On the 22nd of February, our unit celebrated Thinking Day.Each year on 22 February, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world celebrate World Thinking Day. World Thinking Day has always been a very special day when we think of each other and give thanks and appreciation to our sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts for the international friendship found in the Movement.It is a day when we think about our ''sisters and brothers'' in the biosphere, the meaning of Guiding and its global impact. This day is chosen as the Thinking Day because coincidentally the 22nd of February is also a birthday of Sir Robert Louis Stevenson Baden Powell, founder of Scout and Guide Movement and his wife Lady Olave Baden Powell, World Chief Guide. An important international issue is selected as the theme of the year's Thinking Day.The theme selected by World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts for this year is Millennium Development Goals.This year’s focus is on Millennium Development Goal 2: achieve universal primary education. Girls and young women everywhere deserve to have access to education and it is essential in order for all girls to develop their full potential.

The celebration began with a horseshoe formation. After saluting the Girl Guide's flag and reading out the 'undang-undang Pandu Puteri', we lit up our candles and the song for Thinking Day entitled 'This Little Guiding Light of Mine' was sung .
After that, we all gathered under the rain tree and our ass. unit leader Chong Jia Yu read the message from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). Then, donations were collected for the Thinking Day for charity purposes. We had a little game before the celebration ended and everyone had fun. We also enjoyed a light refreshment prepared in the school canteen before the meeting adjourned at 11.a.m.
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