The meeting was called to order by the President at 8.30 a.m. The meeting started with an introduction of the new board of committees for the term 2013. 
The president conducted the meeting and a brief description for the programmes of the year 2013 were given to the unit members. Members were also reminded to pay their subscriptions. The president reminded the members to be punctual and to attend all meetings. She also proposed that action be taken to against members who absent from meetings without valid reasons.
The second item on the agenda of the meeting was a game session to foster a cordial friendship between the members. Before the game started, everyone was required to remember their friends' names. The members were then split into groups. Then, they blindfolded their eyes with scarfs. Each member from two groups was directed by the committees into the middle.They had to immediately take off their scarfs and say out the names of the members opposite them from another group. The prompt and swift one who was able to say out her friend's name first would be the winner while the other member would have to face punishment.The lost members had to shout the names of the winners from a side loudly.It was a joyous game where everyone enjoyed themselves.
The meeting was adjourned at 10.30 p.m.
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