Saturday, 30 June 2012

Visit Perak 2012

In conjunction with the launching of 'Visit Perak 2012', our unit had organized a one day trip that travels around Perak by visiting a few famous tourism destinations.

7:00a.m.- 7:30a.m.
Gather at school

We visited the herbal garden which is one of the 10 icons of Perak. Brief information on herbal garden ;)- Perak’s Herbal Garden, locally called Taman Herba Negeri Perak, is a 22-hectare garden that houses various medicated herbs, cosmetics and aroma-therapeutic plants. It is located in Kampung Kepayang along Jalan Simpang Pulai-Batu Gajah. We were guided by Encik Shahrul. He took us on a tram to circulate the whole farm which is as far as 8km.

Later, we went to Kellie's Castle which is also known as Kellie's Folly. However, due to time constraint, we were only able to take a few group pictures in front of the castle. Anyhow, the castle still look magnificent from the outside. It is located near Batu Gajah, and is about 20 minutes drive from Ipoh, Perak.
At 11:00, we headed to the Tin Dredge, The Last Dredge.  Stretching to about 350ft, this dredge is a monster! Built back in 1938, the name is T.T No.5, probably stands for Tanjung Tualang No. 5 a. This dredge was not a factory alone. In fact, you can actually work and eat there as canteen and toilets were available in this monstrous dredge. Before entering the dredge, we went to the land next to it which rears ducks. The ducks were pure white and their wings were as white as snow. There were about 50,000++ ducks in that area.

Tips *To be friends with the ducks, the *buck buck* sound is inevitable.
        *Do not chase after them. If you do, they will get heart attack!
After exploring the dredge, we proceeded to the museum. In short, the museum provided us with more information about how the tin mining industry has thrived over the last 200 years.

After the visit to the Tin Dredge, we headed towards TESCO Station 18 to have our LUNCH there.

Next, we went to Aeon Station 18 to SHOP & PLAY there. Of course the PLAY meant to complete our MISSIONS!! The first mission was jotting down all the price of the list of items given. The next tasks was PHOTO HUNTING!
Unfortunately, the results are not yet known, and it will be announced during the Fifth Formers farewell.

4:30- 6:30
After that, we went to hike in Bukit Keledang,Menglembu. We were given a task as well, that was to take as many pictures as possible with children below 12 years old. The results will be announced during the farewell as well, so BE PREPARED!

It was indeed a memorable and spectacular trip for all of us. This trip would be etched as good-old-times memories as this would be our last trip together to spend the crazy and high moments,playing tiku-tiku, taking awesome photos and doing retarded stuffs together with the fifth formers.

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